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About Us

AIM India began in 1961 through KM and Jayamani John when they applied for a Social Work permit and a Gospel permit. The ministries of AIM are many, and include: a medical clinic, a 300-bed orphanage, a home for the elderly, Bible clubs for children, Christian education from primary age through Junior College, and numerous church plantings in rural villages of low caste people. The area population exceeds 35,000,000, of which 98% are unreached. 


Agape Interfaith Ministries International, Inc. was organized and incorporated in the State of Kansas in 2001. We received our IRS 501C3 certification in 2002. The purpose for AIM International was to create a funding arm in America for its sister organization AIM India. The business platform operates on the premise that everyone is a missionary and serves at their own expense; therefore, AIM International has no salaried employees and depends entirely on volunteers for the operation of the ministry. In fact, Iess than 1% of our total receipts will go to office/admin expenses. 


God has given us a window of opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in India. We ask that you prayerfully consider joining the work of this ministry through monthly or yearly giving. "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Romans 10:17

Mission Statement

To share and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and suffering by Word; and demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ by deed through the following ministries:

  •  Child Evangelism

  •  Church Planting

  •  School Bible Clubs

  •  Pastor Training

  •  Orphan Care

  • Elder Care

  • Prison Ministries

  • Christian Education

  • Medical Care & Training

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